Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Books and worms

Aha! I have located the problem with yesterday’s posting. This is why you weren’t impressed. I forgot to mention that I had been out with book group boozing until almost 2 a.m. the night before. Now my time sounds amazing, n’est pas?

Speaking of book group, next month's selection is
Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. I just finished it, and it is my favorite book of the last 6 months, at least. The story behind the book is also remarkable, in that the manuscript was unpublished until 60 years after her death in Auschwitz.

The main reason, as I believe I've mentioned, why I'm posting less is that it is high-season for gardening. All my veggies are planted into the actual dirt in the actual ground except for the tomatoes. I'm thinking they'll go in Friday.

Here's what we have this year:

Bok choi ("baby" variety, very annoying. Wanted "adult")
Carrots (haven't sprouted yet)
Strawberries (free plants, whee)
Asparagus (purple!)
Tomatoes (5 kinds)
Bell peppers
Green beans
Butternut squash (of course)
Basil (purple and regular)
Parsley (about to sprout, I'm sure)
Chives (massive)
Spinach (unsure whether they are up, as I don't know what they look like)

Whew. That explains why I'm a little tired. Everything except 8 of the 21 tomato plants were started from seed.


Steve said...

Such the contrast! Yesterday morning I spent some time with a landscape designer repeatedly intoning "We really hate evergreens," "I have no idea" and "You really should be talking to my wife."

Bluestem said...

All you need to do is plant plant plant for seven years. And wah-la, a garden emerges.

Are you not a fan of the They Might Be Giants song, "C is for Conifer"? I bet you think I'm making that up. I'm not.

Steve said...

Plant as an action? Are you trying to make a noun into a verb??