Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You know, gardening and apraxia!

I like to say my blog is about gardening and apraxia. A few months ago while searching for more apraxia blogs, I found another blog about gardening and apraxia. Imagine my surprise! I don't know if Shea's mom would call her blog that. But that's the power of Google, isn't it? Someone more or less like you. Out there. Telling stories that are different, yet strangely familiar. Here’s my favorite two posts from recently:

Not very coincidentally, school started the day I last blogged, a week ago. I'm sure to catch up on recording some thoughts soon. Really! Just because I made two batches of applesauce and a batch of yogurt today, and worked, and oh yeah, the crosswalk I've been fighting for for three years went in today (hurrah!) and the corporate fiscal year ended on Monday and people were laid off, and oh dear god I think I should go to bed now.

1 comment:

Jake Dillon said...

You are so funny! I was just making Apple sauce too!

Apraxia, gardening, a sprinkling of liberal politics? That's me!

We do have a lot in common except (unfortunately) all that exercise you did this summer.