Monday, June 30, 2008
Speech progress
But then two days ago she made two exciting developments. She wanted a penny to throw into the fountain so she tugged at my purse and said “money.” Later after dinner I wanted to wash her hands, but she examined her hands and said “no dirty.” Her first spontaneous two word combo.
Nea turned four yesterday, and I’m feeling pretty good!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Returning groceries
Spoiled food that you are holding in front of them is Beginner Level Returns. I like to think that many years ago, when I successfully returned a $7 watermelon for which I had only the receipt in hand, was at least Advanced Intermediate Level.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Waldo, it's not funny anymore. Ollie ollie oxen free already.
Monday, June 23, 2008
True friends
Public service announcement: If you have a serviceberry bush or tree, get out there and harvest! Yummy straight off the tree or with vanilla ice cream.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Thrifty parenting
So, we saved:
$3 (train)
0.50 (parking meter)
$36 (Children’s Museum)
$75 (Shanghai Circus – Gold)
$114.50 TOTAL
And spent just over $20 for a lovely day downtown.
Monday, June 16, 2008
It's like falling off a bike
Of course, we actually borrowed a friend’s. Thanks, Erin, yer the best.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Book club pick for July
Cool modern book club person or shameless product hussy? You decide! Do not expect poll to be forthcoming.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Marvin Update

Luckily I've been growing milkweed in the garden for a few years now, specifically for monarchs. So bringing him some is no big effort. Maybe I'll use a paper clip to attach it to his dill plant. Won't that confuse the wee bug.
Remember Heimlich from A Bug's Life

Back when I was single, my main two bad dream scenarios were elevators and teeth. Each dream was different, but featured either unsafe elevators or teeth breaking/falling out/bending. In my very last elevator dream, someone asked whether I wanted to take the elevator and I looked at the rusty, rickety thing and said, “No, I think I’ll take the stairs. I have bad elevator dreams.”
For incredibly obvious reason, the last seven years have featured old houses with major problems. Either huge holes in the floors, or more interestingly, extra stories or rooms. Once an extra roommate in an extra wing. Now that our real house is essentially finished, those dreams have tapered off, too.
Now my only reoccurring dream is losing Nea. As in, she runs off when I’m not paying attention. Recently I woke up and she was right next to me, but I still felt like she was missing and I should be panicky, as I’d just been in the middle of losing her in my dream.
*Ha! JMP, do I hear you giggling?
Monday, June 9, 2008
Garden news
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Fish, vegetables, recycling
May was Easter Seals month for my little Amazon ad, but sadly no purchases were made. Luckily I had hit up some friends for online donations and we raised $350 dollars that way! Thank you to Tish, Adam, Wolf, Pam, Steve, Greg, John, and Beth. We love Easter Seals and fully believe in their mission, values, and incredible help and support that they make affordable to thousands of families in Illinois and nation-wide.
So now my Amazon link will raise funds for Heifer again. I looked at their WorldArk newsletter today, and there was a lot of useful information. I thought I’d sum up some of it here.
Seafood Watch: eco-friendly seafood selector, including pocket-sized guides you can carry with you.
Plant a Row for the Hungry: how to donate extra vegetables from your garden to local food banks.
MyBoneYard: recycles cell phones, computers, etc. They pay for shipping and then pay you for your device. Anyone use this before? Please report back and let me know how it went.
Sound like the sort of newsletter you’d like to receive? Sign up here!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I know I talk too much about Nea on this blog and not enough about Boo. That’s because Boo is a normal going-on-6 year old, who doesn’t cause me anxiety attacks. So, here’s what Boo is up to these days:
- She is a monkey on the flying trapeze of our playset. She does amazing tricks all day every day, unless she is inside playing with the dollhouse.
- She wants to play “puppy” all day with Nea.
- She wants to draw all day.
- She bikes and scooters up and down the driveway all day. She’s now on a trail-a-bike thing
when we do longer rides, which she really enjoys. She's so big!
- She’s out of her pirate stage, and into Star Wars. She’s seen all 6 movies, and if you have a problem with that, go talk to N. It’s all his fault.
As you can see, that adds up to a lot more than a normal day’s worth of activity, which is why she’s so busy all the time.
Monday, June 2, 2008
U-Pick Farms
So, anyhow, now that the kids are a little bigger, I'm thinking it's U-Pick-Em time. Here's a guide to Chicago area farms to try out. It's a little early yet, but rhubarb and asparagus are sure to be available. If that sounds like too much work, here's a listing of farmers' markets nation-wide.
Edited to add: Here's a much better listing of Chicago-area farmers' markets.