As of today, CoffeeBeanMan lives in our kitchen. I was going to put him on the mantel, in a place of honor, but I posed him in the kitchen and look how happy he is!
Having trouble finding the perfect gift for everyone on your list? Try this!
We just cut down our own Christmas tree, which we had never done before. I highly recommend Ide Trees in Downers Grove. I do not necessarily recommend undertaking this festive family fun in the rain, though. And Christmas trees give me an itchy rash. What a scrooge I am.
To-do list for Xmas
Have I forgotten anything?
I don’t know why I do this, but I enjoy coming up with names for cats. I’m over-the-top allergic and won’t be able to use them. Unless the price of the hypoallergenic cats comes waaaay down. Last I heard they were $5000 a pop. So, in case you need a spare cat name, I humbly submit:
Anyone else have some to share?
So mostly out of curiosity, I applied and was accepted as an Amazon.com associate, which means that if you follow a link out of this blog and buy things on Amazon, I get a small percentage of the purchase price. Obviously you don’t pay more for your items. In the spirit of the holiday season, I will be donating any proceeds from now until Christmas to Heifer International. This charity gives animals to people to improve their quality of life. If you are vegan, you can even give the gift of trees. I also love the idea of the gift of honeybees.
So, just to get started, here are a few books I’ve enjoyed this year. Some of them are ones my book group discussed this year.
So, topics I will probably occasionally discuss include, but are in no way limited to:
* Here is today's offering. Saw it in a store while with the kids. Why? Why does this exist?